Trent Klarenbach - Grain Marketing Analyst

Clarity in complex and emotional grain markets

Reduce the stress of grain marketing & trading with objective market insights based on Technical Analysis.

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The Klarenbach Grain Report and Klarenbach Special Crops Report zoom in on price trends helping farmers and traders achieve significantly higher profit margins.

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A trader taking one of Klarenbach Research's grain trade signals
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Technical Analysis uncovers pricing trends hidden by bias and public sentiment.

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I really like your emails. They're well versed, brief, only take a minute or two to read and you give an opinion of what you think as well as providing some charts for evidence as to why. Keep it up. I hope you're right about urea!
Anthony Hopson
Farmer - Kindersley, Saskatchewan
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Case Study: How Klarenbach Research readers beat the market


The Challenge

Grain farmers and traders encounter a wide range of news and opinions on commodity prices. Because of personal biases, they may favor information that matches existing beliefs, sometimes overlooking contrary data.

In 2022, the optimism surrounding Durum wheat prices led many farmers to retain their stock, while grain companies maintained long positions.

The Solution

Amidst widespread optimism and information overload, we took a different approach. By focusing  on price charts, we sidestepped subjective views. These charts hinted at a potential price drop.

On January 15, 2022, our Durum Wheat Alert adjusted the Sell Signal below $19.60, so we warned our readers about a looming price trend shift.
Durum wheat image representing a successful Klarenbach Research case study signal

The Result

Following our approach, readers acted on the Sell Signal and were ready for the market shift. In two weeks, Durum wheat prices fell by $1.40 per bushel.

Our readers benefited by selling before this price drop. Moreover, they secured prices at $2.60 per bushel above the crop’s yearly average.

The Conclusion

This case study highlights how grain farmers and traders benefit from a clear, data-focused strategy.

By using objective price charts and avoiding distractions, our subscribers make smarter choices.

Being a subscriber means having an edge in unpredictable markets like Durum wheat.

Join 3700+ readers who get grain market updates every week.

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5 orange stars in a row
“Trent's grain report is hands down the most unbiased, no-BS analysis out there. But it's more than that - it's the community he's built. Trent checks in on me during beet harvest, showing genuine care beyond the numbers. Substack isn't just newsletters; it's real connections...”
Adam T Kuznia