Think Different

Headshot of Trent Klarenbach, founder of Klarenbach Research
Trent Klarenbach
December 3, 2023
A floating light bulb
April 11, 2024
Young Trent was fortunate.‍ You see, I had the miraculous opportunity to grow up on a family farm in one of the world's wealthiest regions in a country considered to have the highest quality of life on this planet. Life is good.

Reading was also encouraged at a young age by both my parents and grandmother. Books and magazines were abundant in our house, developing a childlike curiosity of the unknown which remains with me today.

I grew up in the ‘70s with my mother taking me to the Wheatland library in Eatonia, where one could search for books and categories on microfiche, the technological marvel of the day, providing access to what seemed to be an endless inventory of books.

My parents, recognizing the importance of knowledge, purchased the World Book encyclopedia set, introducing my sister and me to the world. This set was an expensive purchase at the time and not considered lightly.

It was 1984, and my parents purchased a used Apple IIe computer. I was fascinated with this machine. I could access games, an early Apple database, and writing software. Visicalc, the first spreadsheet computer program for personal computers, was also installed. Forty years later, I continue to use spreadsheets every day of my life.

My father has and continues to have subscriptions to the Western Producer, Grainnews, Country Guide, and Agriweek. I cannot stress enough how vital those publications are for active and prospective agriculture industry participants.

Knowledge is power, and I have continued my parents' example of encouraging our kids to absorb, explore, and ask questions to develop their ideas. It can be a challenging experience as our kids develop views, values, and opinions different from their parents. Putting my ego aside and attempting to understand their perspective is much easier. I continue to be shocked at what I can learn from our kids. Plus, it improves our relationship. Trust me.

The dawn of the World Wide Web resulted in purchasing a Dell 486 computer for $3300 in 1996. A considerable sum at that time. It has also been my most impactful purchase so far. I remember being blown away by the amount of information accessed so quickly. The internet changed my life.

My childlike curiosity continues with email newsletters, YouTube, websites and podcasts.

I will share a few of what I am currently absorbing.

Lex Fridman Podcast - Conversations about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power.

Prof G No Mercy/ No Malice Newsletter and Podcast - Scott Galloway tears into the taxonomy of the tech business with unfiltered, data-driven insights, bold predictions, and thoughtful advice.

Rob Henderson Newsletter - Unfiltered thoughts and observations about human nature, social class, status, success, etc.

The Compound and Friends Podcast - Downtown Josh Brown, Michael Batnick and their regularly recurring castmates talk about the week's biggest stories, moments and trends.

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History - This isn't academic history (and Carlin isn't a historian). Still, the podcast's unique blend of high drama, masterful narration and Twilight Zone-style twists has entertained millions of listeners.

Think Different.